The two party system is just a single engine of polypropcrisy. The true blend of political policy, mass propaganda, and hypocrisy campaigns that make it possible for the country, no matter how you vote to always be stuck between two separate, but equal veins of the same capitalist system. The rhetoric isn’t a cave but a pool of oil, that our countries greedy corporate rich get to draw from at their will. A money pit filled with liquid gold.
We act as if the parties we vote for are distinctly different in their values. We need to realize that one party being good, and one party being bad, doesn’t excuse the corporate rape of our country. The concerted effort of Capitalist ideas propagating through the lobbying of policy, the creation & distribution of propaganda, and the hypocrisy that both parties engage in, is but a facade that keeps us from seeing how to fix it.
You must temporarily suspend your belief, of what we assume is different; The Republican and Democratic Parties; to realize that we are not living in what we assume is a Democratic Republic.
The people of our country believe that their money is hard earned and well gotten. Yet the corporate rich rip it from our pockets, put it in theirs, and exploit us for the bet of the bottom dollar. Our government, conveniently taking the side of Capital, is big on spending, yet that spending is not spent efficiently on its people. Greed for capital and our thirst for consumerism, is at its peak!
We must buy! buy! BUY!
We vote for who we think is the best guy, but in the end most of the people that are ‘elected’, ‘by us’, are working for and lobbied by the most powerful companies in our country. Those companies spend millions of dollars to get THEIR interests put before the American people. One party may be more ‘moral’, but it depends on who you ask. The Liberal majority will tell you it is the Democrats that have your best interest at heart; while the Conservative majority will tell you it is the Republicans. The only thing that truly matters in American politics is the amount of money that is spent to lobby and lie harder.
We must deny and set aside our moral differences and understand that it is neither the Democratic nor Republican parties that really have control, it is the corporate elite, those few that have the money too pay off the politicians that we vote for.
It is the blend of policy, propaganda and, hypocrisy that keep this corporate elite in power, and that continually limit the power of the masses. We must realize that the system we have built is impossible to break out of, unless it itself, is broken. It isn’t a matter of who to vote for, because no matter who it is, they will end up serving the corporate elite, whether directly or indirectly,
Our government is built on a patchwork of loopholes and law, our constitution is not bulletproof, and it is often treated as a static and unmoving document—unless it serves the corporate elite…
Instead of paying you a fair and livable wage, they pay you a pittance, and make you sit in mandatory union busting meetings. They force you to be their captive audience, hoping to convince you that uniting with your fellow workers is against your best interest. Now tell me, is that family friendly? Is that just business? They sure do like to scoop those profits off of the top, while they watch you fight for the last scraps that have fallen from the table.
They wine and dine themselves on the finest delicacies while millions of people fight exhaustion, starvation, and genocide. They eat their $1000 Tomahawk steaks, while children struggle to maintain their recommended nutritional intake in a “first world” country, while they fund foreign militaries that blow children’s heads off with bombs, they golf and shake hands and have standing ovations with war criminals.
Not only do they alter your life through how they treat you in the workplace, but they pit us against eachother on social issues so they can continue to perpetuate death and destruction worldwide. Right in front of our face they treat politicians to dinners, and real estate. They make donations to campaigns, and line the pockets of both sides of the aisle. They throw money at the White House and see what sticks. They don’t care who’s in office as long as it means they get to make money, continue their empire, and watch us bicker over it. Do you think they care about your interests?